TS Jay Twister AKA Dori


So I have been putting this off for a few days, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to share it with the world. I shared the store with in a secret Facebook group, so I decided to share with all of you also. You all know about Dori, my 6 yr old Jackie Bee bred mare. I have been putting off riding her and the story below explains it. I have decided that I need to put on my big girl panties.

I have had Dori for the last 4 yrs and haven’t done much with due to time restraints, life, etc and the fact that, honestly, she scares the crap out of me. About 2 summers ago I was riding her fairly regularly until she started fighting me turning to the left and she fell on me. I’ve been on her a handful of time since then but nothing consistent. I put my good geldi
ng into semi-retirement of NBHA California state finals in October so I need a new horse to compete on. Last Friday, I put on my big girl panties, worked her in the round pen and then got on her. She was puffing pretty good right before I mounted but I got on and trotted her in both directions. We moved to the arena and walked several laps while she caught her breath. I now need to keep it going!


Thursday, I had my brother disc up a small section of dirt, so that I can saddle and lunge Dori
on the days I can’t take her to the barn. I need to be able to keep up with getting her worked and eventually be able to ride her a little at home outside the arena.

My goal for Dori is to take her to the barn twice a week and work her under saddle on the lunge line at least 2-3 days a week. January is my target month for our first barrel race.



img_1393P.S. She paws really bad at the trailer, a month ago I started hobble breaking her, but she broke my hobbles. I bought a new pair and tried again. Today she spent 2 hours tied to the tree like a well behaved horse!