Preparing for WCBRA finals


As we are preparing for WCBRA Finals, I am have found myself reflecting on our season. It was a humbling season for sure. There have been many ups and downs, good times and not so good times. We head to King City on Friday and start running Saturday morning (as of right now we are still waiting for the draw.

This race is the biggest race I have attended with Rocket and I am nervous as hell (excuse my french 😉 ). I am working my day job all week and have been working on my list and trying to get everything prepared and not forget anything. I am taking my own trailer so it will be easier not to forget anything for my horse but I alway stress about forgetting stuff for me, lol.

Rocket had his acupuncture treatment today along with an adjustment. I have patches in the trailer to patch before we run and my Back On Track boots also for after we run. I was hoping to be able to give him a bath before we leave, but it doesn’t look like I will be have time.

Back to my reflection on the season. This season was a slow one for us. We didn’t win as much this year as we have in years past but we stayed consistent and are currently sitting #1 in the NBHA Ca 12 4D (one race left in our season). The last big race we went to was the first weekend in August. The Pants on Fire race was a blast but also a humbling race for me. Saturday’s run was a disaster and I can’t figure out why. Sunday’s run was so much better.

As I was chatting with my vet this afternoon, she said she was surprised that I posted Saturday’s video because if what happened. I did it to show that we all have bad days.

Our NBHA season hasn’t been our best but we are still sitting in first for the time being. I have been debating on whether this would be Rocket’s last season running. It will be the hardest decission on my career, but it’s still up in the air.

I do know that this will be his first and last WCBRA finals for him because I feel it is only fair to him to limit his number of races next season.

As I get ready for finals, I am also preparing for next season running a new horse and trying to season a mare that I have been putting on the back burner. I know that I need to change my focus but not give up on Rocket.

We are headed to the biggest race of my career this weekend and I am freaking out! Remember that your only competitor you need to beat is the competitor that you were yesterday! This sport is extremely humbling and it teaches you just how strong you are! Loving this journey!

Chestnut horse reacting during equine massage session (5 of 6)


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